Please describe collaborative projects you have done with other webheads for your classes or for professional development. Include relevant URLs. Thanks!
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith (USA)
This fall, a group of us Webheads put together an online conference for a group of professors at the People's Friendship University in Moscow. We convened in the Webhead's v-Office at LearningTimes and took turns demonstrating how we use technology, particularly Web 2.0 applications. PFU is trying to bring more online learning and updated technology to its faculty and students with the help of a grant from the U.S. We hope to continue the collaboration next spring when some members of the PFU faculty will come to the TESOL convention in Denver. We hope other Webheads will join us for another conference in the spring.
Our wiki with links to presentations by Bee Dieu, Rita Zeinstejer, Sus Nyrop, Cristina Costa, Erika Cruvinel, Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, and Ronaldo Lima, Jr. is found at Colloquium on Global Communication. We have also collected in the wiki a nice list of Tools and Resources for Web 2.0 learning.
The recording of our presentations in Elluminate are found at the LT Webheads in Action Community Room, where you can look for the date, >October 24, 2008.
Erika Cruvinel (Brazil):
Collaboration among Brazil - Argentina - Japan
Students from different classes create films using DFILM and post to a wiki.
They create films on the same topic, for example, frienship, and compare their different views.
- Pets - students in Brazil and webhead Sharon Holdner Boston
Juvenile students learn about fostering programs in the US, which is not common in Brazil and learn new grammar and vocabulary.
- Scrapbooking Project - Brazil and Argentina - Erika Cruvinel and Claudia Bellusci
Two groups of students costumize pages of a scrapbook to be exchanged at the end of the year.
They collaborate in a blog during the school term.
Finding a partner
Exchange Blog
Brazilian scrapbook - photographed pages
Argentina scrapbook - scanned pages
Survey results after the project
Dennis Oliver (Arizona):
One of the best (and most intensive) Webhead-connected experiences I've had was the blog that Carla Arena and I (and two other teachers, plus their classes) did.
This blog was very active from September 2005 to June 2006 and continued, though less actively, until December 2006. It's still online and was noted (on p. 88) in a 2007 textbook by Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly:
How to Teach English with Technology.
Carla and I have never met face to face, by the way, but have become good friends via the Net.
I've also participated in several online courses that Carla (while living in Key West, FL) has created for students in Brazil. The current one is
Web Tools for Educators (offered at
CTJ E-Learning); the previous one was called
Listening Plus; it's currently being taught by my Webheads friend and colleague Erika Cruvinel.)
In addition, I've collaborated with and/or participated in projects created by my Webhead friends and colleagues Maru Del Campo (México), Ana Maria Menezes (Brazil), and Rita Zeinstejer (Argentina) on Ning pages and have also contributed to other types of online projects by my Webheads friends and colleagues Buthaina al-Othman (Kuwait), Dafne González (Venezuela), Teresa Almeida d'Eça (Portugal), and Nina Liakos (Maryland, U.S.A.)
Carla Arena (Brazil/Key West FL)
Besides the wonderful collaboration I've been having with Dennis Oliver that started in 2005 with our International Exchange blog, I have a professional development digifolio together with Erika Cruvinel and Ronaldo Júnior, BrazilBridges.
For the past two years, I've been moderating a free 6-week session on Blogging for educators all over the world through the Electronic Village Online with dear Webheads.
A small group of Webheads, avid readers, has just started an online book club to bring literature to life through the use of Digital media.
My adult students have communicated with Teri, an American Webhead living in Lybia.
I've had wonderful mystery guest activities, one on our class blog with Dennis Newson a Webhead in Germany, and another one as a guest at Anne Fox's blog.
Vance Stevens has collaborated with my online group in a mini-project about Abu Dhabi
Cristina Costa, a Portuguese Webhead, and I have had some webcasts.
Berta Leiva (Venezuela)
2. I had a collaboration with Sergio Mazzarelli (from EVO-Video) in
Nagasaki Japan which is at:
His 19 students participated in our wiki for almost a month.
3. Another project was the Sisterclasses
with Larry Ferlazzo where we produced a Voicethread about Venezuela
and many students made comments to it (written and recorded) and we
made comments about the presentations of students in Sacramento,
Hungary, Romania and Brazil. The student showcase is at
4. I made a presentation for Cora Chen´s students in San Francisco
on comparing and contrasting places in the world. It is at: There is one by Michael and another by
Cris in the same page. I have also made comments for the students of
a number of Webheads such as Erika, Jane Petring, Susana Canelo and
Ronaldo, and you too, ha, ha (not this year, though).
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